Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sweet Baby Kisses!!!.........

A couple of weeks ago, MFH and I began teaching Little Bird to sign. We started by considering what would likely be the most necessary and useful signals she can utilize at this age.We've come up with a list that includes above all else, kisses! I am not exaggerating when I tell you that it took her all of one afternoon to grasp this concept. Just a few hours. Each time we'd lean in to give her one, we'd smack our lips and tell her what it means, and ask her if we could have one. We assumed it would take a decent amount of time to teach her this. But, to our surprise? Well, just watch!

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  1. how sweet! i signed to Carter every night at dinner for like two week "more", "please", and "thank you" and he acted like he was ignoring me.. so i gave up - then out of the blue one day i was feeding him and didn't give him another cheerio fast enough and he signed "more" to me! so, even when they're acting like they aren't getting it - they are! rotten kids! :)

  2. I thought for sure that it would take her at least a few days to grasp! She also waves (she lifts her fist and then opens and closes it) when she wants to go for a walk (bye-bye), and makes her boo-boo face if something hurts her or she's scared. We're working on 'up', 'sleepy', 'eat', 'no', 'yes', 'eat', and if I can think of something for it, 'diaper'. It's so cool though, because even with the boo-boo face, if she's fussing, we make ask her if she has a boo-boo and if she does, she'll make the face real quick. She did this to one of her poor nurses for singing to her! Apparently, she doesn't like "Wheels On The Bus" LOL! It's awesome to watch them communicate with us, I love it!
