Saturday, June 16, 2012

Oh, Bird!!..........

We all know how Little Bird loves to keep us on our toes. She can be quite the spontaneous little lady, and today was no exception. We decided to split visits down to groups of two, rather than walk into the PICU with all five of her siblings and expect the staff to put up with us all at once. So this afternoon, it was MFH, Grammy, Number One, and Number Three's turn. And they were definitely perplexed to discover that the baby has been placed back on her ventilator. Her team didn't understand it, and only knew that she wanted no part of breathing on her own this morning when they tried to attempt to disconnect her. It wasn't until MFH told me how she refused to allow anyone to dress her that we both realized what the issue was. She's getting sick again. With tracheitis. 

"Clothing is overrated anyway!"
"Mmmm! Binky guuuud! Nom! Nom! Nom!"

By this time tomorrow, she will likely be on antibiotics to treat it. During their visit, she had a very brief monitor violation in which her sats suddenly dipped to eighty two. MFH immediately suctioned her, though it took him several swipes with the catheter to completely clear her airway enough for her number to jump back up into the nineties. These are all typical symptoms that she displays even before any labs are taken. But I'm proud to say that the confidence that we thought we lost is still there, and apparently as strong as it ever was. He didn't miss a beat when it came to the machine and monitor alerting. Actually, he shooed the nurses away and took care of it himself without ever giving this a second thought. Not something either one of us would have done a month ago, but still something that we need to be able to do. And we are.

Little Bird rather enjoyed hanging out with everyone. She cracked up smiling at Grammy every single time she looked at her, chilled with her bros, and even gave Daddy a big ole belly laugh-minus the sound-when he kissed her and his beard tickled her cheek! Even when she's getting sick, her silliness does not elude her. 

Her Bodyguard
Corrupting Her Big Brother!

But her antics didn't stop there. She had one more very big surprise up her sleeve. Our nurse practitioner came in to give MFH an update on Little Bird's medical status, and informed him that as of this morning, she met her required GT feed goal amount. Something she wasn't expected to reach until this coming Wednesday. So her TPN has been hereby discontinued. It will still be another five days before the PICC line is taken out (if she doesn't get to that herself, first), as they need to keep it in place a while longer to ensure that she won't need it again. From now until Thursday, we'll watch and wait for any signs that she might need the TPN again, but pray that she won't. 

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