Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How Do You Make A Tracheostomy Dance?......

You put a little boogie in it!!! Before you press play, I have to warn you of a few things. First and foremost, while recording this, I failed to realize how obnoxiously loud I was speaking. I blame the giddiness that overcame me in the moment. What started out as a ho-hum, hey-let's-stick-the-baby-in-her-walker-for-a-while kind of afternoon turned into hilarity. MFH turned Sirius 80's on, on the television, and lo and behold, we discovered that Little Bird adores a good throwback. Mr. Roboto is one of her favorite songs. I should thank her for it being stuck in my head for the next several days, because now I can't even look at her without hearing it (and when you find yourself singing it later on this evening, you're welcome!). But it was so worth the awesomeness that is her when she dances. This has quickly become one of our favorite, daily activities. Enjoy!

"Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto....."

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