Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Good Tired...

The past few days have been....tiring. But in a good way. Growth spurt kind of tired. Little Bird's been busy sleeping and growing, and eating. They restarted her feeds after a few short pauses, the latest being for a blood transfusion she needed last night after a CBC showed a drop in her hematocrit. But she tolerated it very well. Her desets have been very minimal. She's also been catching herself more when she does have one. Her blood gases have been holding steady, too, and they haven't needed to readjust her vent settings. The PDA still hasn't closed yet, and there is concern about the pressure it's causing her lungs. Though we remain hopeful. Hopeful that it will close, hopeful that she will be back off the vent again soon, and hopeful that we can hold her any day now.

It sounds strange, but when we see her, it's like we can sense how she's feeling that day. Yesterday, she was very content. She lazed thru the evening, and two bouts of hiccups. She has no qualms about letting us know they piss her off by the facial expressions she makes when she experiences them. And I couldn't help but laugh. Her personality is really starting to shine. Even though her nurse told us not to expect much from her, I knew she'd open her eyes to greet us. Every so often, she'd sneak a peek to make sure we were still there. A big stretch, a tiny yawn. A little cat nap. And another glimpse. She's quick, but this time I was quicker. I managed to capture a lot of these little moments on camera...

                                       ...and even a little smile! 
She's still tiny, but growing bigger every day. We notice when she gains. If only just an ounce or two, we can see it, we can tell. Her wrinkles are less wrinkly. Her fingers are chubbier. Her face is beginning to fill out. I see so much of her brothers and sisters in her already. Standing next to her bedside, hours pass like minutes. There's just something about a sleeping baby that has a way of making you sleepy, too...

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